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  • Writer's picturePatricia Hinkley

Having more fun with less stuff

Hi Again,

Here we go with suggestions for living more lightly and helping us all do better as the climate changes. As I write, Hurricane Florence is heading toward the eastern coast. Millions of people are sitting in traffic jams flowing away from coastlines. It is predicted that climate change has made Florence into a powerful storm which could drop as much rain as did Harvey last year. Yikes.

These storms are bringing climate change front and center as reasons to activate our latent abilities for positive contributions that lessen our impact. The truth is there is no issue around over which we human beings have more control.

Perhaps you simply need to know how. Here are some ways to begin.

In the previous blog I mentioned eating less meat. Yikes again, but it's not so hard and certainly not terrible. There are very good menus out there. Why not omit meat once a week to begin with? Make it fun and see what happens. Why not make a challenge with your friends of family members?

I've been experimenting with turning down my air conditioning. Don't use it much and wanted to see what is comfortable on those really steamy hot days or when I have to dry the humidity out of my furniture. Try it. Just turn it down a few degrees and notice how you feel.

Here's more:

1. Turn out the lights when you leave a room. No light on equals no electricity used.

2. Wear less clothes when it's hot and more layers and sweaters when it's cold.

3. In the winter, turn down the heat when you leave the room or house.

4. Investigate putting zones into your heating system. These give you more control of your use.

5. Turn off computers & printers at the end of the day.

By the way these tips are part of what I've called the Earth Restoration Plan, which can be found in my new book, Climate Sense: A Practical Guide to Finding Solutions and Keeping Your Cool.

Be in touch and tell me how your projects are going. And remember to tell others what you are doing. Together we are powerful!!!

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