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  • Writer's picturePatricia Hinkley

Twelve Years???

A recent UN IPCC report stated that we have 12 years left to get our act together in terms of addressing the climate realities.

Twelve years? What? Really? No way. Come on, there is no leader. We need someone to fix it. What will we do?

Right—I hear these words in my mind’s ear because of our overall failure to imagine a different future. All we see is now are images of catastrophe from movies or read in Climate fiction.

What if you could imagine a future of lots of - millions of people taking small and greater steps to minimize the carbon they emit? What if you could imagine a better life through taking these actions? What if millions of us did this and stopped the unhealthy trajectory we are on?

This is why I wrote the book, Climate Sense: A Practical Guide to Finding Solutions and Keeping Your Cool—to show that this level of change is possible; that we have tackled huge problems before; that many people and companies are creating unique solutions; that there are actions each of us can do now; that together we can make a difference. In an engaging and understandable way, Climate Sense takes a hard look at where we are now in terms of the climate changing. Then it walks readers through actions everyday people can take.

My experience shows that when I take such actions I feel less stuck, more invigorated and inspired. This inspiration can lead to sharing and motivating others to act.

I wrote to alert readers to the urgent need and to the possibilities inherent in expanding our imaginative capabilities.

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