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Why write Climate Sense?

   In one way and another all my efforts have been to protect and preserve the beauty and bounty of this earth, our mother. I have been a long-time organic vegetable and flower gardener, recycled, composted vegetable waste and been thrifty about using resources. I co-founded a non-profit organization called Winter Green, to help people to create a secure, local food source during the mild southern winters of Asheville, NC. In my previous life as an artist I often focused on nature, painting butterflies, wetlands, volcanos, ocean and building ‘Nature Nests’ to bring the healing powers of the outdoors to people confined within walls. The nests were made of hinged paintings of the ocean, which surround a shallow wooden box of sand and shells. Taped sounds of the ocean and seagulls complete the sensory simulation of a natural setting so restorative for us all.    Both nature and meditation provide the space for me to be still, to reconnect with my inner calm, before discovering my next steps. This perspective of calm before action is worth sharing in today's fast-paced, plugged-in culture. My books follow this sense of a deep abiding need for stillness in our lives. Positive personal change is especially important now in a time of vast changes.

Climate Sense is filled with opportunities to call on our wisest selves

in navigating the turbulent waters ahead.

Calm before action is the most beneficial way I know

to steer my way through challenges.

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